SRS is closed for applications during the winter break. It will open again in march 2025.
SRS is the Swedish Sailing Federation’s Rating System for keelboats, multihulls and dinghies. The purpose of the system is to provide boats of different kind an opportunity to race against each other. The SRS Rating is intended to represent a boat’s best performance potential on a circular course in medium wind speeds. An SRS Rating is given as a single number time correction factor and the normal time correction method is Time on Time.
SRS is a semi empirical rating system where a boat’s Rating is primarily an assessment of its dimensions, but the system also contains empirical and subjective elements. Due to the architecture of the system, the methods and the basis for decisions on new or modified SRS Rating and/or the assigned SRS Table are not public. The intention is to prevent boats from being designed and optimized specifically for SRS racing.
Since the SRS Rating is primarily based on boat dimensions, we want to emphasize the importance of specifying the correct dimensions and that the owner, according to “The Racing Rules of Sailing”, is responsible for the data on the Certificate being correct.
SRS is intended for keelboats of all kinds, dinghies and multihulls. We recommend however that, if possible, keelboats, dinghies and multihulls should not be mixed in the same class except possibly at lowest club level.
Ratings and specifications for many types of keelboats, dinghies and multihulls are listed in the SRS Tables for keelboats, dinghies and multihulls.
SRSm Certificates – certificates based on owner specified boat data – or SRSv Certificates – certificates based on verified boat data – can be issued for boats not included in any of the SRS Tables or deviating from the standard boat specification.
There are no limitations on the number and type of sails to an SRSm or SRSv boat, other than those the boat owner chooses. Downwind sails are assessed individually based on their expected effect on boat performance and all such sails, their dimensions and materials must therefore be reported in thecertificate application.
A basic aim of the system is that it should be possible to be competitive with a normal boat and a normal sail wardrobe. Special sails such as "Code Zeros", staysails or abnormally large sail inventories, should not be a prerequisite for prominent placements.
A boat’s rating will be reduced if it has a sail inventory limited to one mainsail, one genoa with HLP>135% of the foretriangle base on a roller system mounted completely above deck and one spinnaker or gennaker. A sail wardrobe with more than 2 headsails – jibs plus downwind sails – gives an increase in rating.
In SRS, the basic idea is that you should be able to check your measurements yourself and report them. It is however a good idea to consult a measurer to help you if you are uncertain, but not mandatory.
The SRS certificate must be presented to the racing organization without a request and must be on board the boat.
An SRS certificate is valid for the current calendar year. It will need to be renewed for a new season if to be used. Certificates that have not been active in 2012 or earlier need to be applied for as a new application, otherwise as a renewal.
The Swedish Sailing Federation offers SRS certificates for free to our foreign guests with a valid ORCi, ORCclub, IRC, NOR-rating, DH or corresponding certificate.
Nonetheless, a valid foreign certificate will not substitute a proper application.
You must apply for a new certificate yourself if the boat has not previously carried a SRS-certificate.
For boats with a fomer valid SRS certificate, the owner have to renew the certificate for a new season:
If you have questions or need assistance please contact us.
You are also welcome to ask questions on our facebook page
Here you will find general information divided into different sections of text that you can take shortcuts to.
On the next page you will also find the most frequently asked questions and answers about SRS. Questions that you do not find answers to here in the information bank can be asked directly on our Facebook page or email and we will answer as soon as we can.
If you want to renew or apply for different types of SRS certificates, go directly to the Portal of Certificates (Mätbrevsportalen).
SRS standard table for dinghies, keelboats and multihulls
SRS standard certificate for keelboats
SRS custom certificate for keel- and multihull boats
Changes to a measurement certificate
Applying for a test certificate
Verified certificate
Cruising deduction
How does the custom multihull certificate works
Rating too low? - Submit a review application
Make sure to renew your SRS measurement certificate well in time before your regatta. Remember to be out at least 10 days before the organizer of the competition has a deadline for certificate.
This year's formula has given most monohulls a slight change in rating. This applies to both the rating in the monohull standard list as well as for custom monohull certificates.
The method for calculating the rating has changed this year that with the age deduction has been adjusted. This means that "semi-old" boats will have a slightly higher number while really old ones will have a slightly lower number compared to more modern boats. This is about four to five thousandths at most, in contrast to the previous year. Comparing a rating from the previous year is not recommended because the SRS formula always evolves slightly each winter. Instead, it is more relevant to compare with similar boats.
Keep in mind that the last digit in the rating is a rounded value, and only the rounding in itself can hit +- 1/1000 i.e. 2/1000 against comparable boats where the rounding has hit in the opposite direction. 1/1000 roughly corresponds to one boat length difference after an hour of sailing, i.e. not much to get excited about. It is less difference than a couple of missed waves or 10mm trim difference on the mainsheet between two identical boats during an hour long beat side by side can contribute.
Result calculation is simple - multiply the SRS number by the sailed time and the shortest time wins. Eg. "Time-on-Time"
An alternative is "Reversed SRS", which equals "Time-on-distance". The boats start at an on before hand calculated starting time in relation to their SRS rating. and finish in the order of the final results.
If you have questions about SRS, you can ask them directly on our Facebook page, or contact the Swedish Sailing Federation via
More detailed description is found in the organizer's guide,
As in any kind of racing, the boat and its equipment, must be defined and restricted in order for racing to be meaningful.
This applies also to SRS. There is a class rule for SRS sailing in similar way as for any onedesign class. You can find the SRS class rule in the document file here.
However, there are no measurements of the boat or equipment in the class rule. The limits for the boat and equipment are instead to be found in either the boat definition page in the SRS table of standard boats, in a SRS Standard certificate or in a SRS Custom certificate.
Please note that the class rule changes before each new season, so be certain you read the latest and valid version. The same applies to any boat data sheet or certificate that get updated between each year and is therefore only valid for the current year.
The class rule is administered by the Swedish Sailing Federation.
It is difficult to memorize the entire class rule and at the same time understand every part of it. Keep it at hand and read in the section that is present for the moment. As a complement to the class rule, there are measurement manuals for single hulls and multihulls. They explain in more detail the various paragraphs of the class rules.
As in all other class rules, they contain many concepts that are in turn defined in the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS).
Finally, you also need to know that the racing rules also contain sections that affect how you can use your boat and its equipment.
Documents to search for:
SRS Class Rule
SRS Measurement Manual
Equipment Rules of Sailing
Racing Rules of Sailing
In SRS, as an owner, you can take measurements of your own boat. Compared to other contexts where there must always be an independent licensed surveyor, this is an exception for SRS. You can of course get help from a surveyor for SRS measurement, but it is not necessary.
There are measurement manuals for keelboats and multihull boats that instruct you how to take measurements to be sure that your boat and equipment stay within the limitations of boat data sheets or measurement letters. It is also valuable when you need to report new data for your Custom SRS Measurement Letter.
To make it easier, there are measurement forms as pdf or in excel format, to print or have with you on your computer when you take measurements of your boat. A complete completed measurement form will facilitate and make it quick and easy to fill out the actual measurement letter application on the measurement letter portal. Reporting for keelboats is done directly in the Measurement Letter Portal in each field. The form should NOT be submitted, but it is only to facilitate your own measurement.
For multihull boats, it is important that it is this year's excel form that is filled in and attached to the application.
The manuals refer to both the gear rules and the SRS class rules, If you are a little familiar with these, it will be easier to measure your boat. A tip is to read through the measurement manual in peace and quiet before you start taking measurements of your boat.
You can always ask for advice at the Swedish Sailing Association, via email or our Facebook page. If you use the help of a surveyor for both measurement and weighing, you are entitled to a so-called SRSv measurement letter (verified measurement letter). See the SRS class rules for what applies to different types of measurement certificates.
For surveyors who measure boats for SRS, there is a separate login for these on the measurement letter portal where the results from a measured SRS boat must be reported.
SRS measurement manuals can be found here
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Respital for standard boats listed in the SRS tables can be used at no cost or registration. New tables are published for each new season with new respital.
This year's SRS tablesNew season means new SRS tables filled with standard boats that allow an owner of such a boat to easily and free of charge use a well-developed respital during racing together with other types of boats.
Before each season, the SRS committee revises the calculation basis for all SRS figures based on new experiences and knowledge. Therefore, remember not to compare this year's respite with a previous year, as the scale sometimes shifts in one direction or the other. If you want to compare, you do best for the current year's respite between your most common competitors' boats in relation to your own.
Make sure that your boat's parameters match the boat data sheetIf your boat type is found in one of the tables and stays within all the limitations in the boat data sheet, i.e. follows the standard, you can simply enter your boat type and the respital stated in the boat data sheet/table when registering for a race.
SRS does not penalize boatsThere is no "penalty" or reward in using respital from the SRS table compared to measurement certificates. A boat that fully complies with the boat data sheet does not gain anything by applying for its own standard measurement letter or Adapted measurement certificate. The calculation of the respital is based entirely on the same basis and in that case gives identical respitals.
Should it be the case that one or more dimensions of your boat or equipment exceed the limitations, you cannot use the SRS table's respital. In order for you to be able to participate in SRS races easily, you need to apply for a Customized Measurement Letter (see next section).
Dinghies and Multihulls in SRSow for dinghies and multihull boats, there are also separate tables of the most common standard boat types where respital is given. Even though they are divided into different tables, the respitals are comparable so that you can sail against each other. Since the characteristics of the three boat categories differ significantly depending on wind conditions, you should still separate the boat types and count the results separately if you have a sufficient number of participants in each category.
Links to current SRS tables can be found here.
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If you have a boat that is included in the keelboat table, you have the opportunity to quickly and free of charge create a Standard Measurement Letter for your boat. Then you can adjust four common parameters and thus the grace number.
In the Standard Measurement Letter, you can influence your respite to some extent by allowing you to choose some common variations. The propeller type, the furling system for the foresail, the number of headsails and the number of flying headsails can be specified in the application of the Standard Letter of Measurement and corrects the grace number according to the same calculation method as for Custom Letters of Measurement. Many boat owners can thus replace their own Adapted SRS Measurement Letter with a Standard Measurement Letter.However, it is not possible to change any sail areas or individual measurements in a Standard Measurement Letter. If you want or need to change any of this, you need to apply for a Customized Measurement Letter instead. It is only allowed to take out one Standard Measurement Letter per boat per year, and changes are not allowed.
For an organizer, it usually helps that the participants have a measurement letter with a measurement certificate number so that you can more easily connect the right respital to the right boat.
Like the SRS table and individual Adapted Measurement Certificates, a Standard Measurement Letter is valid only for the current year. Before a new season, a new Standard Measurement Letter needs to be applied for.
If you take out a Standard Measurement Certificate, this must be used for all SRS racing during the rest of the season. You can no longer use the grace number or limitations in the SRS table's boat data sheet.
When, or if, you have activated a Customized Measurement Letter for the boat, a Standard Measurement Letter becomes invalid, as well as the grace number and limitations in the SRS table's boat data sheet may no longer be used during the rest of the season.
The option to create a Standard Measurement Letter is not available for Multihull Boats.
You apply for all measurement certificates, as well as a Standard Measurement Letter in the Measurement Letter Portal.
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SRS Customized Measurement Letter
A customized SRS measurement certificate can be issued for individual boats that are not included in any of the SRS tables or that deviate from the boat type's basic standard. A Custom Measurement Certificate is only valid for the individual specified boat.
General information about SRShe SRS measurement certificate contains the boat's data and an SRS number that is valid in all Swedish sailing districts. The SRS certificate of measurement must be presented to the racing organization without a request and must be on board the boat.
A certificate of measurement is valid for the current calendar year. It will then be renewed for the new season in order to be used.
The boat owner can control measure and enter the information in an application on his own boat, It is of course also the boat owner's responsibility that the information is correct. Competing with incorrect information is a serious crime that can have tangible consequences. Should you be unsure, make sure to have a good margin on the information.
A certificate of measurement for keelboats that have not been active in 2012 or later needs to be applied for as a new application, otherwise as a renewal.
If you are a new owner of a keelboat that has had an SRS measurement certificate in 2012 or later, you notify the Swedish Sailing Association's office of a new e-mail address so that you can log in and renew the measurement certificate. Change of ownership in SRS is free of charge. In such a case, you should not make a new application.
It is only possible to make changes or apply for a sample measurement letter in active existing measurement letters. If there is an SRS measurement certificate from before, this must first be renewed for the current year in order to be able to change or apply for a test measurement certificate. As soon as a paid renewal application is made, it is possible to log in immediately after to create these types of applications.
Multihull boats
A new application, renewal or amendment of a customized SRS measurement certificate for multihull boats is done in the same way:
For SRSv measurement certificates, all measurements and boat information must be verified by a certified surveyor. In such cases, a signed certificate must be attached to the application (e.g. as a scanned PDF). Name the file "Boat NameApplication SRSv2023". If the boat name is missing, state the boat type and sail number instead.
It is not possible to apply for a test measurement certificate for multihull boats.
Questions and comments about SRS for multihulls can be directed to the SRS Committee for Multihull Boats:
If your boat is included in the table of standardized boats, and the boat, rig and equipment stay within the limitations that are standard in the boat's boat data sheet, you can instead use the grace number from the respective table. Read about this in the previous section.
For a keelboat (but not multihulls), you can alternatively also create a Standard Measurement Letter for free, where you have the opportunity to vary the most common variations such as the number of sails and propellers. Read about this in the previous section.
You apply for all measurement certificates, as well as renewal in the Measurement Letter Portal.
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The SRS system is revised and developed every year, thus both the SRS table and the SRS measurement letters are also revised. The respite can therefore vary from year to year. It is not uncommon for boat owners to make changes to their boat before a new sailing season.
Therefore, each measurement certificate must be renewed to be valid for a new season.
If you had a measurement certificate in 2011 or later, go to the Measurement Letter Portal where you log in and complete a renewal. It must be done no later than 10 days before it becomes valid for racing.
New for 2023 is that for the first time of the year, everyone must create a new password to their existing account in the Measurement Letter Portal. Therefore, click on "Forgot password" to get a new password sent to your email. If you do not receive an email, check your spam folder first, then contact if it is not there.
Now the same login and password for all your measurement certificates, boats and sail numbers even if you have several.
Once logged in, open the latest version of the measurement letter (usually the bottom one) for the boat in question with the symbol furthest to the left on the corresponding line.
You cannot change anything in the old measurement letter until you have renewed it. As a boat owner, or skipper, you are asked to recheck that each piece of information still matches reality. If something has changed on the boat since the last measurement letter, you need to make a change notification. You then log in again and select "Change measurement letter".
There is also the option to do both steps at the same time. In this case, select the "Renew+Change" function
To the Measurement Letter Portal
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Changes in SRS measurement letters
Modification of Standard Measurement Letters is not permitted.
To change the Adapted Measurement Letter for Multihulls, you can upload a new modified version of the excel measurement form in the Measurement Letter Portal. A maximum of 2 modifications per season are allowed for multihull boats.
For keelboats, log in to your account in the Measurement Certificate Portal and select the button "Change measurement certificate" or the button "Renew+Change" if you have not previously renewed the measurement certificate for the current year. This unlocks the existing fields for editing. Then click "submit" and pay the fee in subsequent function.
It takes 10 days from the application until an approved change becomes valid and published. It is therefore not possible to make a change later than 10 days (or exactly 240 hours) before the start, or the time that the organizer has stated in their invitation.
It is not possible to obtain an exemption from this rule.
A maximum of three changes per season are allowed for keelboats. However, you can make an unlimited number of changes at each time.
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Sorry, still under editing. More text to come...
If you are a new owner of the boat that has had an SRS measurement certificate in 2012 or later, you notify the Swedish Sailing Association's office which boat, sail number and previous owner's name it concerns. Preferably if you have the measurement letter number as well. Create an account in the Measurement Letter Portal if you do not already have one, and the change of ownership will be done free of charge.
For a boat that already has an SRS measurement certificate, newer than 2012, you should NOT apply for a new measurement certificate. However, it may need to be renewed and, if necessary, an application for an amendment.
It is only possible to make changes or apply for a sample measurement letter in active existing measurement letters. If there is an SRS measurement certificate from before, this must first be renewed for the year in order to be able to change or apply for a test measurement certificate. It is enough to apply for and pay the fee for renewal, it does not need to be approved, to be able to change or apply for a test measurement certificate. Immediately after a renewal application, it is possible to log in again to create these types of applications.
Nowadays, there is a combined function to renew+change in one and the same step. The fees will be the same, but you can do both steps at the same time.
If your boat is included in the table of standardized boats, and that the boat, rig and equipment stay within the limitations that are standard in the boat's boat data sheet, you can instead use the grace number from the table. In that case, you can also create a Standard Measurement Letter for free, where you have the opportunity to vary the most common variations such as the number of sails and propellers.
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Important about Displacement in SRS
From 2020, SRS uses the same definition for displacement (weight) as the Gear Rules. Displacement from 2019 and earlier is automatically reduced to compensate for the change.
A new definition of weighing condition was introduced from 2020 for monohull boats.
From 2020, SRS's measurement condition is the same as in the ORC and in the Gear Rules' SR's definition of boat weight.
In principle, this means that no loose equipment should be in the boat during weighing control, except what is listed in the SRS measurement manual.
Compared to before, for example, no sails, mooring materials, tools or fuel must be included in the boat when weighing.
The reason for the change is to make the measuring condition unambiguous and independent of the weight of varying equipment when weighing. Boats weighed in 2019 or earlier receive a standard deduction on the weight and do not need to be reweighed. This also applies to boats with a verified measurement certificate.
Stricter policy regarding weight information
Possible weight sources will be:
• Boat data sheet or class rule.• Own ORCi or IRC Endorsed measurement certificate.• Information from the designer, catalogue or manufacturer.• Weighing by the surveyor• Weighing by the owner with a calibrated scale.• Weighing by the owner with a scale built into the crane. For boats where no weight information according to the alternatives above is available, SSF can determine the weight at the boat owner's request
In order to change a weight in an existing measurement letter, the boat must be physically weighed according to the SRS rule's definition.
The weighing must be able to be verified by a certificate or by a photograph on the scale's display.
Note that you cannot take a weight from e.g. manufacturer or boat data sheet and then add the things you have later screwed into the boat such as heaters, water heaters, fire extinguishers, etc. If you have extra equipped the boat and want the measurement certificate to reflect this, the boat must be weighed.
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A Customized Measurement Letter for SRS gets the status verified if the boat and its equipment are measured by an approved surveyor
The verification of an SRS measurement certificate is voluntary and only a requirement for championship sailings at national level. In practice, only at the Swedish Championships in distance competition.
For single-type boats that are approved by World Sailing and hold a valid class measurement certificate or are manufacturer certified can have the status verified on their Custom SRS Measurement Certificate, without additional documentation.
The same applies to the following Swedish and Scandinavian classes:
FolkbåtIF boat606C55CB66Neptune cruiser
The requirement for these classes that the status of the SRS measurement certificate must be verified is that the measurement certificate must be based on a completed measurement by a licensed surveyor. Class measurement letters and any class measurement protocol must be attached to the application.
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In SRS, as an owner, you can measure your own boat. You can of course get help from a surveyor, but it is not a requirement.
To help you measure, you can use the measurement form that is available in each measurement manual. Print it out or have it with you on your computer when you take measurements of your boat. A complete completed measurement form will facilitate and make it quick and easy to fill out the actual measurement letter application on the measurement letter portal. You should therefore NOT send the printed form to the office. To help, there is also an SRS measurement manual (below) that describes the different fields in the measurement form.
The manual refers to both the gear rules and the SRS class rules, so if you are a little familiar with these, it makes it easier to survey your boat. A tip is to read through the measurement manual in peace and quiet before you start measuring your boat.
You can always ask for advice at the Swedish Sailing Association, via email or our Facebook page. If you enlist the help of a surveyor for both measurement and weighing, you are entitled to a so-called SRSv measurement letter (verified, a kind of quality assurance that usually results in a slightly lower SRS number). See the SRS class rules for what applies to different types of measurement certificates. For surveyors who measure boats for SRS, there is a separate login for these on the measurement letter portal where the results from a measured SRS boat must be reported.
Here you can search for a surveyor.
Click here to read SRS Class Rules
Remember that it is you as a boat owner who is responsible for ensuring that the information in your measurement certificate is correct.
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Fees for SRS measurement certificates. The use of the SRS tables and registration of Standard Measurement Letters is completely free of charge.
Fees for measurement certificates for monohullsNew measurement letter 850 SEKRENEWED measurement certificate 250 SEK
Change of measurement certificate (max 3/year) 350 SEKTEST measurement letter (max 3/year) 350 SEK
Applications are only made by registration and payment via the measurement letter portal.
To the Measurement Letter Portal
Payment for a monohull boatPayment is made on the website in connection with the application for a measurement certificate.
The fee can no longer be paid manually to the Swedish Sailing Association's Bankgiro.
Fees for measurement certificates, multihull boats
Short turnaround time within 10 days |
Normal processing time within 20 days |
New measurement letter |
850 kr |
650 kr |
Renewed measurement letter |
400 kr |
300 kr |
Changed measurement letter (max 2/year) |
300 kr |
Any changes to the measurement certificate for multihull boats in connection with renewal are included in the price.
For members of SCTS, a discount is also paid for renewal applications until April 15, 2024, and for new applications for measurement certificates throughout the year.
Applications for a short processing time will be received no earlier than 16 April.
Payment for multihull boatApplications are made only by registration and payment on the measurement letter portal.
To the Measurement Letter Portal
Payment is made digitally by card in connection with the measurement letter application being submitted.
Free SRS Certificate of Measurement for Foreign BoatsForeign boats that intend to race in Sweden and that have valid certificates of measurement according to another grace system will receive a Certificate of Measurement free of charge, however, the application must be made in the usual way via the website no later than 10 days before the date of validity for single hulls and 14 days for multihulls. A copy of another valid measurement letter must be sent to
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Standard Measurement Letter for Table Boats
For boats that are in the SRS table, you can choose to take out a Standard Measurement Letter.
It is voluntary and free. It gives the boat owner 4 choices that adjust the grace number:
• Propeller equipment• Furling system on the forestay, mounted completely above deck• number of foresails• number of flying sails.
In addition, the so-called cruising deduction can be included in the adaptation and provide some compensation. This applies to boats with a furling jib system over deck that has a maximum of one foresail and one flying sail.
However, no measurements can be changed in a Standard Measurement Letter. For example, you cannot have a greater value on a single sail measurement, or use a Gennaker instead of a Spinnaker with a Standard Measurement Letter. In that case, you need to apply for an adapted measurement certificate instead.
Standard measurement letters are visible in the measurement letter list as ordinary measurement letters, which can be useful when registering for certain races where the organizer's IT system retrieves information from the measurement letter database.
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Under the following links you will find an excel document with an example of result calculation that can be used if you want. The guide contains further tips and advice for those who arrange SRS sailings.
SRS Guidance for organizers and sailors
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What equipment can be included in the boat when weighing? Refer to the SRS measurement manual for exact answers.
Please note that the rules have changed from 2020 onwards. Before that, other rules applied. But don't be concerned about this if your boat has a weight that was specified according to the previous specification. No rebalancing is required, but the displacement has been automatically compensated if you have already had a measurement certificate.
In practice, no loose equipment should be in the boat when weighing. Only what is mandatory for racing according to the boat data sheet, the SRS measurement certificate or the SRSv measurement certificate may be on board at the weighing:
Examples of things that are not allowed on board when weighing:
Except for hydraulic tanks, all tanks must be empty. If it is not possible to empty the fuel tank before weighing, it must be full, the volume determined and the weight of the fuel must be deducted from the boat's total displacement.
If equipment is to be considered permanently mounted, it must be permanently mounted with screws and/or glue. Examples of fixed equipment are e.g. heaters, refrigerators, water heaters, stereo systems, autopilots and instrument systems.
Some equipment is popular to remove before racing such as parlor tables and cushions. Important to keep in mind here is that if the boat is weighed with cushions and tables, the same cushions and tables should be on board when racing. If an outboard motor is included in the weight of a letter of lading boat, it shall, unless otherwise specified in the letter of measurement, be carried on its mooring during racing.
Verified single-type classes
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Do you suspect incorrect respital
It is likely that both SRS boat data sheets as well as SRS measurement letters contain incorrect information.
The SRS group is grateful for help from boat owners to find information that seems incorrect. Remember that the information in the boat data sheets should apply generally to that particular type of boat and not to an individual boat. There must therefore be a class rule, unambiguous official information or a number of physically controlled boats of the same type in order for a information in a boat data sheet to be changed.
Each boat individual is different from another, even if they are cast in the same shape on the same lap. The variations are often greater than you might think. The SRS group is very cautious about changes that could mean that existing standard boats can no longer use the boat type's boat data sheet.
If you believe that your own or someone else's SRS measurement certificate is incorrect, you can request a measurement letter revision.
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Here on the website you will find all information about boats and measurement certificates, while you administer your boat and measurement letters in the Measurement Letter Portal.
The Measurement Letter Portal is in fact a separate module that SSF runs as a complement to SSF's website and alongside the competition administration system Sailarena.
The Measurement Certificate Portal requires a free account for login where you can administer measurement certificates and sail numbers for all types of boats. For example, to make a change of ownership on an Optimist or Drake. Applications are also made for a new or renewed SRS measurement certificate.
Without logging in, you can see lists of Swedish measurement certificates for different classes and grace systems such as SRS and ORC.
As a surveyor with a special account login, you must digitally report a completed certification measurement linked to an SRS measurement letter.
To the Measurement Letter Portal:
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For 2023:
As usual, there are a number of boats in the keelboat table that have had their dimensions and other information adjusted, but the major change in this year's edition of keelboat SRS is a revised model for the impact of draught. This gives, for most boats with normal draught, small changes in the grace number and in general terms, short boats with a low draft have a slightly lower number, long boats with a small draft get a slightly higher number and boats with an extremely large draft generally get a slightly lower number.
For 2022:
During the winter (2021-2022), a major revision of the assessment method was made, which means that the empirical element of SRS has decreased.
Should your boat be a mass-produced multihull boat with dimensions determined by the manufacturer or class rules that you would like to have included in the multihull table, contact the multihull committee.
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Contact us
You are always welcome to contact us with your questions. Send an email to